Because of some very challenging life circumstances, I was forced to leave my beloved profession much earlier than I had planed. Further, I had to leave behind my two young adult kids - the youngest had just turned 18 and the oldest turned 20 - and travel without my husband, because he had to complete his responsibilities.
After 25 years of professional success, achievements and all that wonderful travel, our perfect traditional life CRASHED . I was literally pushed out of my perfect life into the complete unknown, with no financial security of any kind and all by myself.
I will be happy to share the details of this CRASH, but only in a private personal setting. Further I will only share my challenges as long as it will serve you. I do not look back at the past, unless I can use it to propel myself or help propel other individuals forwards.

I trust you are enjoying these beautiful pictures of Ibarra, Ecuador.
Before we were guided to come to Ecuador, My husband and I lived in Costa Rica for 14 months. We had invested into this property on the western coast of Costa Rica with a 180 degree view of the Pacific ocean, and hoped that this would be our perfect retirement heaven.
Well... that did not happen.
It is enough to say that during those 14 months we lived on the mountain, 20 kms away from the nearest town, 7kms away from the small village supermercado, without a vehicle, and with 2 neighbors that had no intention of helping us in any way. We were however in awareness and living in consciousness. I knew this was a test, a test of patience and trust in my Higher Self, my Soul.

I practiced physical yoga every day, but that is because yoga is what works for me. Yoga and meditation are very positive practices, but neither one is essential for living in TRUTH-CONSCIOUSNESS.
Months later, we are now in awareness that Ecuador is not necessarily where we will grow our new deep roots. It is extremely important to remain flexible and malleable, in order to be able yo go with the flow.
Ego mind wants to plan and wants to know, but the fact is, I will never know what the future holds. I just know that I must move forwards one day at a time, with no expectations of a specific result. My Soul knows what I need to do and I will be where I need to be, at the perfect time, in order to do the work I am destined to DO.
InfiniteLove ♥️