Yes, There is a SOLUTION!
I Remember
Who I AM
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The PURPOSE OF HUMANITY, has always been, to evolve in CONSCIOUSNESS
and remember WHO WE ARE, Infinite Love Consciousness, living this brief human experience.
The economical, financial, political and environmental conditions on planet Earth with COVID-19, are forcing this evolution of TRUTH-CONSCIOUSNESS to SPEED UP EXPONENTIALLY.
The Coronavirus and The Great Reset will manifest extreme challenges
in the world economy and food availability.
The SOLUTION involves challenging work , which must be done at the INDIVIDUAL level.
The Covid vaccine forced us to make the ultimate choice between
True Freedom or complete slavery.
I, must make the DECISION, and then take ACTION.
Further, I must not quit, no matter what happens to me.
A critical mass of INDIVIDUALS must complete the TRANSITION
so that the TRANSFORMATION into... the New Species, the IDESSIC being, will manifest.
Will you join us on this AMAZING ADVENTURE?