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  • Tatiana

Tayrona National Parque - Que Chevere!

Parque National Tayrona is an extremely well maintained, protected natural area, on the northern Colombian Caribbean coast. The park has a land expanse of over 150 km2 with 30 km2 of ocean.

Santa Marta and its surrounding areas, stretching up to and past Taganga, has a beautiful but arid, desert type landscape. I will write an article on the 3 beaches of Taganga soon.

Tayrona National Park starts just north of the 3rd beach out of Taganga. The first beach in Tayrona Park is called Bahia Concha. I did not get to visit this beach and yet, I imagine that the landscape in this area is a lot dryer than the rest of the park as it stretches toward the north.

The common entrance to the park is the 3rd entrance, the one that is furthest to the north (la entrada - El Zaino). The hike to the first beaches is walking along wooden footpaths, occasionally climbing over rocks, through the lush forest towards the insanely beautiful coastline. The beaches are stunning and many of them without a single person, because the currents on many of the beaches are very strong and have resulted in quite a few deaths.

Most tourists come to the park for a one or two night stay. You can reserve and stay in Ecohabs (Indian houses designed by "architect Fernando Samper Salazar) or camp in Cañaveral. You can also choose cabins, hammocks, or camping in Arrecifes. There is even a Spa located in Cañaveral where you can enjoy massages, Jacuzzi, and beauty treatments.

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