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Travel Colombia

Travel Itinerary for Colombia

This proposed travel Itinerary starts from our home in Popayán, Colombia.

A 3 day or a 1day: "Evolution of Human Consciousness" workshop will be offered regularly at the

Cafe Waterfall Lodge


I am available for Spanish lessons before the work shops. My husband Lee, is available for private consultations on life in Costa Rica, Ecuador and Colombia. Lee has one hectare lots for sale in

Ibarra, Ecuador. 


Our desire is to share as much information as possible with anyone who feels the urge to move on from their traditional/"normal" life. We offer complete flexibility. Since I traveled the proposed travel itinerary, I can provide a huge amount of supporting information before your travel.


As a dentist with 25 years of practical experience, operating my private dental practice, I have joined forces with 2 Colombian dentists; one a generalist in Popayán and the other an oral surgeon in Cali, who will travel to Popayán to offer his services. Lee is available to coordinate your dental tourism experience.  or





InfiniteLove!           Please  Contact Us

DAY ONE - Travel by bus from Popayán to Armenia. Visit the Quindío Botanical Garden with the Mariposario in the shape of a butterfly. Continue with the bus from Armenia to Salento and settle in for the night. 


DAY TWO - Visit the Cocora Valley. Valle de Cocora, the famous part of the Zona Cafetera and Salento, is known as the gateway to this striking Valley. It is famous  because of its unique slender palm trees. This hike takes about 6 hours and can be quite challenging because of the deep mud which is often present along the way. 


DAY THREE - Travel from Salento to Santa Rosa de Cabal.  After you settle in at your hostel, travel by local bus to the hot springs to enjoy the baths as well as the beauty which surrounds them. 


DAY FOUR - Travel from Santa Rosa to Medellin. Medellin is very popular big city with many expats. Try to experience as much as possible in just one day. 


DAY FIVE - In the afternoon, take the bus from  Medellin to Guatapé and settle into a hostel before going out for dinner. 


DAY SIX - First thing in the morning, go to the Piedra del Peñol and climb the 675 steps in order to enjoy the beautiful sweeping views. Take the coomotocar to the town of Guatapé for lunch and then leave for the airport of Medellin by bus. Fly from MEDELLIN to

SANTA MARTA and settle in for the night. 




If you want to live a unique adventure then you may choose to do the 4 day trek to Colombia's Lost City. This is a challenging hike through the rainforest to Teyuna (La Ciudad Perdida) at 1300m (4265 ft.) The Lost City is a sacred Indigenous city with special mystical energy and it is 650 years older than Machu Picchu




Travel to Guajira ( Cabo de la Vella and Puncta Gallina)

Take the bus from Santa Marta to Quatro Via (between Rioacha and Uribia). From there, drivers of 4x4 vehicles wait for a minimum of 4 passengers and then take you to Cabo the la Vella. Enjoy a great lobster or fish meal in Cabo.

The next morning you travel to Puncta Gallina, leaving at 5AM. Once there, you have breakfast and then go on the tour until lunch. After a great lunch of  lobster or fish, you can enjoy the area and the incredible desert sunset.

The trip to Cabo the la Vella, the trip to Puncta Gallina, a morning tour of Puncta Gallina, the beach and other highlights, and the return trip the next day to Uribia is $50.

This experience which crosses the Colombian desert up to South America's northern most point - the land of the Wayuu Tribe - should not be missed. 




Take the colectivo to Minca. From Minca, motorcycle drivers take you to Pozo Azul, the coffee farm; La Victoria, the lookout, and the water fall. From here, go back to Minka walking through the beautiful jungle. Return to Santa Marta.  

If you are considering coastal city living in Colombia, Santa Marta has it all. In fact, that is what is written on the welcome sign to Santa Marta. In 2011 the construction of the marina was completed and it attracts many yachts during the hurricane season in the Caribbean. The marina has a strategic position because of the mountains which protect it.



Take the bus to El Rodadero neighbourhood of Santa Marta. This beach is one of the most popular beaches of not only Santa Marta, but the Colombian Caribbean. Before noon, check out of your hostel in Santa Marta and take the local bus to Taganga. You can enjoy the beach in Taganga or walk along the ocean edge to visit all 3 beaches.



Take the bus to Tayrona National Park. You can choose to stay overnight in the park. Tayrona National Park has some of the most beautiful beaches in the country. You can also choose to trek through the park jungle to the archeological remains of El Pueblito. This is a mini Ciudad Perdida experience. 



You can choose to go to Bahia Concha. This beach is only 30 minutes away from Santa Marta. It is the first beach of Tayrona National Park with great snorkeling, swimming, kayaking and typical food of the northern coast. You can also choose to go early to Cartagena.


DAY ELEVEN - Take the bus to Cartagena. Walk the city beaches from Boca Grande to Castillo Grande. Watch the sun set from Boca Grande and walk back to the City Centre. You may watch a live park performances in the Colonial Walled City and then enjoy dinner. 


DAY TWLEVE - Fly from CARTAGENA TO  SAN ANDRES ISLAND ($40 - $70). Tour the island. Morgan Grotto is a cave connected to the ocean by tunnels. The Blow Hole looks similar to a geyser, Punta Sur has great views and San Luis has great beaches. 


DAY THIRTEEN - Visit the Johnny Cay white sand beach and La Piscina Natural.


DAY FOURTEEN - Take a boat trip to Cayo Bolivar, located 18km east of San Andres.


DAY FIFTEEN - Take a two-hour catamaran trip to Providencia Island. Return to San Andres in the late afternoon.


DAY SIXTEEN - Take a return flight from SAN ANDRES TO BOGOTÁ (COP 99,000 to 165,000/ $35 - $60). Settle in and enjoy the evening in La Candelaria. 


DAY SEVENTEEN - Walk up to the base of Monserate and travel up with the funicular. Enjoy the view and the church. Afterwards walk to the Gold Museum to meet the magical treasure of this nation. Finally walk to Bolivar Square


DAY EIGHTEEN - During the rainy season (June to mid December), a trip to Caño Cristales is highly recommended. A typical 3day/2nights tour costs $550 to $750 per person. You can take the bus from Bogotá to Villavicencio at 3:45 AM for a 3-hour bus ride. Then take a one hour  flight to Macarena ($200 return flight). Hostel rooms are available from $10 to $25. Join an existing group and enter the park. $50/person covers: 2days in the park, 4 boat rides, breakfast and lunch on the second day. Total for this trip should be less than $300.


DAY NINETEEN -  Second day in the park and return fight to Villavicencio. Take the bus to Bogotá.


DAY TWENTY - Take the bus to Zipaquirá and visit the Salt Cathedral. From there, continue with the bus to Tunja and then Villa de Leyva.


DAY TWENTY ONE - I lived in Villa de Leyva for 6 months and was convinced that this is where I would settle down for the rest of my physical life. With its cobble stone streets, a quiet charm, houses with romantic balconies and colonial architecture, Villa de Leyva has a lot to offer. Just outside of  town you will find:  Pozos Azules, Casa Terracota, the Paleontological museum, Ráquira - the pottery capital of Colombia, Cascada la Periquera, El Fósil, Fibas, Paso del Angel, Cascada de la Honda, Ruinas de Gachantivá, 3 viñedos, Monasterio Santo Eccehomo and more...


DAY TWENTY TWO - Those who suspect that they will fall in love with Villa de Leyva should plan to stay as long as you can or leave early in the morning back to Bogotá. From Bogotá you can fly back home or take the bus to Neiva. 


DAY TWENTY THREE - Take the colectivo from the bus terminal in Neiva to El  Desierto de la Tatacoa. You can choose to stay in this unique desert over night or just rent a bike for a few hours to travel around. The Tatacoa desert is unique in that it has two very distinct areas. In the Cusco area it is orange and in the Los Hoyos area it is grey. Return to Neiva and take the bus to San Augustine


DAY TWENTY FOUR - San Augustine is a pre-Colombian archaeological site with hundreds of stone statues carved by an unknown culture located in the upper Rio Magdalena Valley. Rio Magdalena is spectacular.


From San Augustine you can take the bus to  Popayán to continue your visit with us, or continue on your own to Ipiales and Ecuador. I will be happy to guide you on...


You may also choose to experience 4-days/ 3-nights in the Colombian Amazon

Fly from BOGOTÁ to LETICIA, the capital of the Colombian Amazon. Leticia has an imaginary line which creates a frontier between Colombia, Peru, and Brazil (Amazonian Trapezium).

From Leticia you travel by boat to the lodge in the Canola Natural Reserve. Enjoy 3-days in the Amazon jungle. You will have the opportunity to see the renowned pink freshwater dolphins. 





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