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        3 - DAY or 1 - DAY WORKSHOP 

on  the Evolution of Human Consciousness          with optional Travel Experiences

How do I actively tear down my age-old prison and liberate the Divine Being/ my Soul, hiding within? 


I offer an interactive workshop, this is not a lecture.  We will discuss how you can take concrete actions in the following areas: Evolution, Authority, Religion, Politics, Law, Money, Health, Education, Family, and Society.


TALLER DE 3 DÍAS sobre la Evolución de la Conciencia Humana con Experiencias de Viaje Opcionales

¿Cómo destruyo activamente mi antigua prisión y libero al Ser Divino / mi Alma, escondiéndome dentro?
Ofrezco un taller interactivo, esto no es una conferencia. Discutiremos cómo puede tomar acciones concretas en las siguientes áreas: Evolución, Autoridad, Religión, Política, Derecho, Dinero, Salud, Educación, Familia y Sociedad.

Private consultations on LIVING in Colombia, Ecuador

                         or Costa Rica.

Because of our many challenging experiences, we have first had knowledge of the positives and the negatives of living in Costa Rica, Ecuador and Colombia.

​​If you are considering a move away from where you have been living most if not all of your life, because you are aware of the coming COLLAPSE and the GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM and are therefore thinking of moving to Costa Rica, Colombia, or Ecuador, it will serve you well to contact us. 


Creating a new life on another continent surrounded by the Spanish language is not at all easy. It will take a long time and will require a lot of diligence, determination and hard work to prepare a move like this. This is why, it is crucial to start NOW (do not allow your ego to convince you that you can delay this action).


Nobody knows exactly how the COLLAPSE will manifest and at what speed. I have a very strong deep knowing that the next decade of this transition will be extremely challenging.


First and foremost you must learn to trust yourself (your True Self). But how can you trust your True Self/ your Soul, if you can't hear her?


   I suggest that the first step can be VERY EASY: CONTACT ME      at:


You can also email me and leave me your phone number and I will call you.

I know that you will only be guided to call me if you are READY AND AWARE.


I look forward to our future companionship.




Dental Tourism    


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