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  • Tatiana

Colombian Coffee

There is nothing like a great cup of coffee!

I have noted one interesting fact since I started living in Ecuador and that is that Ecuadorians are not into coffee. In Ibarra , Ecuador there are only Pastelerias/Panaderias - Pastry/ Bread shops, that occasionally also sell coffee. There are no coffee shops per say.

When I returned to Colombia, the first thing that hit me is that you can buy coffee just about anywhere. There are tons of real coffee shops and not just Pastelerias. Street venders with coffee thermoses are everywhere, and a small coffee costs 20 cents.

The first picture was taken is Santa Rosa de Cabal and this coffee jeep was equipped to serve great coffee.

The second picture was taken in the small Colonial town of Villa de Leyva. This is a French pastry and coffee shop. The owner is a French baker who came from France to live and work in Colombia years ago. This type of fancy coffee shop is easily found all over Colombia.

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